Beard Transplant

beard transplant

Beard Transplant

Unless there is a significant change in the level of the male hormone, within a few years of puberty, beard and mustache hairs thicken and take terminal forms. The texture and quality of hair, beard, and mustache are completely genetic.
Loss of beard and mustache may be related to the person's hormone level or skin diseases, as well as autoimmune disorders can cause beard and mustache loss. Alopecia Areata skin disease can also cause flaking.
This process with the FUE technique is the filling of the missing area. It is based on the transplantation of healthy hair follicles (graft), which are not shedding from the nape region to the beard-free area.
It is not possible to remove the thinning or shedding beards, eyebrows or mustaches by cosmetics or drug treatments. Therefore, sowing is the only solution.
Eyebrow transplantation requires a lot of care and attention. The first thing to do is to choose a professional center in this business. Eyebrows are different from hair in many ways. Eyebrow hair grows to the skin at a much more oblique angle. The directions are steeper in the inner parts close to the nose and horizontal towards the end. Also, eyebrows usually consist of single-stranded roots.
There is no permanent alternative to eyebrow transplantation in the prevention of eyebrow loss.
In this process, regardless of men and women, the solution to the problem is provided permanently.
Lifetime eyebrow hairs continue to grow and are no different from your eyebrows.
In FUE eyebrow transplantation, hair follicles are taken from the back of the head one by one without a cut or stitch.
After the procedure, there is no trace of continuity.
The single-stranded hair follicles taken are placed inside the micro canals opened in the skin to prevent any scarring. The eyebrow shape determined during the opening of the channels is adhered to. Attention should be paid to the directions of the eyebrows and the angle of exit from the skin. Thus, the result is natural that the environment cannot notice.
Eyebrow transplantation is done under local anesthesia. Preparations are completed before the procedure and local anesthesia is applied to the area where eyebrows and eyelashes will be removed and transplanted. The person is awake. After 1-2 hours of operation, the person can continue his daily life.
There are no bathroom restrictions. Recovery is completed within 5-7 days.
The hairs that grow after eyebrow transplantation are permanent. Eyebrows begin to grow at the end of 3 months and it is necessary to wait for 6 - 8 months to see the improvement in the entire planted area.
Hair follicles are used in FUE eyebrow and eyelash transplantation. They are taken from
the area near the nape of the back of the head. There are single-stranded, delicate hair follicles in this region, and single-stranded hair follicles are necessary for natural eyebrow and eyelash transplantation

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