
Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery BBL

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Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery BBL


While some are preventable, many are nearly impossible to prevent. An important advantage of Brazilian butt lift surgery is that it enlarges the size of the buttock without implants.

At the Reference Aesthetic Center, the risk of complications in the operations of our surgeons is low and results that look and feel extraordinarily natural are obtained. however, it is important to understand the additional risks of having implants, including capsular contracture and a higher risk of infection. The risk of complications is low and results are exceptionally natural looking and feeling.

Butt implants may look and feel less natural compared to an expert Brazilian butt lift.
For example, it is not possible to eliminate the effects of gravity on the body. Since it is very easy to observe the results of the effects it is exposed to due to environmental and genetic factors, most of the aesthetic surgeries are performed on the butt area today. The butt is a very special structure. Due to its oily structure, it is very sensitive to the effects that can be applied to it. It is also located in the middle of the hip and lumbar region and connects the two regions.

While performing this binding function, it both affects and is affected by both regions in terms of aesthetics. In other words, when bbl surgery is mentioned, not only the fatty mass between the hip and waist region, but also the entire region, starting from the waist region, including the hip region, should be considered.

The procedure of BBL surgery is also to meet this expanded meaning. While the fat is taken from one area, it is placed in the other area. When one region is changed, the other region is affected by this tension. It is imperative to intervene in the hip line to provide a desired appearance in the hip area. Every effort can be made to provide an aesthetic appearance when viewed from behind. Regardless of man or woman, everyone wants their butt to have an aesthetic appearance. These expectations, which vary according to everyone’s aesthetic standards, usually require the butt to be upright, protruding and full.

In other words, it must be visible from the outside to reveal the ideal butt. In addition, due to the structure inside, it should extend at the right angle.
Buttock aesthetics is one of the most relative issues. Regional effects and physical structure have a say in how the butt becomes desirable.

A better appearance can be obtained by performing surgical interventions on the butt according to height, weight and expectations.
When the aim is to make the butt full, liposuction and fat injection operations are mostly preferred. Fat transfer is used for Brazilian butt lift surgery. Referance Aestheticians is a multi-step process that starts with liposuction to remove fat cells from the abdomen, back, inner thigh or any other part of the body where it is needed. less volume.
At this stage of the fat transfer procedure, surgeons carefully shape the body to create a slimming effect in areas that need less fat.
Creating symmetry is an important goal at this stage. Doctors can remove fat from multiple parts of the body to create the most pleasing contour and to obtain a balanced appearance. The removed fat cells are then processed using a proprietary method that will help them survive the next stage of the procedure.

Brazil stands out when it comes to butt aesthetics. In Brazil, women’s butt defines the limits and views of plastic surgery.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a surgical aesthetic application developed to add volume to the hips, while at the same time giving a tighter, more lifted appearance.
It is used to create a smoother appearance with the BBL operation, to remove fat from areas of the body that need it less, and to add it to the hips exactly where it is needed most.

Diet and exercise don’t always lead to perfect proportions. Surgery is often needed to get more sensual curves in all the right places.
It is a completely natural procedure, using the body’s own fat to create a more sculpted, more proportionate body.
Especially in Europe and our country, many people want to have Brazilian style.

The number of people who have BBL buttock aesthetic surgery is increasing every year. Although it is more preferred in women, men also have BBL surgery.
Although the purpose here is to beautify the exterior, it also has sub-purposes. People confidently love to wear tights, shorts, miniskirts and heels.

Four techniques can be used in buttock aesthetic surgery. These are fat injection, filler injection, silicone and tightening methods, respectively.
It is performed by selecting the most appropriate method or methods according to the patient’s wishes. During BBL surgery, the hip is filled and its angle with the waist is corrected.
The appearance of the butt when viewed from the side profile is corrected. All these fixes have been made to be permanent.
Today’s aesthetic surgery methods have developed and continue to develop to allow this.

It is typical that some of the injected fat does not “take” into its new place – an experienced cosmetic surgeon will take this into account and may initially inject slightly more fat into the buttocks than necessary to deliver your intended results. Reach your goals in the best way with Referance Aesthetics.


Brazilian butt lift Having hip surgery requires some special changes in the healing process.
Although the pain is typically minimal and easily controlled with pain medication.
You will be told that you will not be allowed to sit or lie directly on your hip for about 2 weeks after Brazilian butt lift.

You will definitely need to lie face down or on your side, and you will need to either lie down or stand for all activities except the toilet. When you’re ready, your plastic surgeon will allow you to sit in a modified position, using a “donut” chair or placing a pillow under your thighs to avoid putting pressure on the hips. Normal sitting activity is usually allowed after about 8 weeks.

Brazilian butt lift If you follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions,
You should be able to resume light daily activities within a week and return to work within 10 to 14 days.

1 Comment

  1. Carla
    25 October 2022 at 15:10

    Fiz o procedimento chamado BBL e estou maravilhadaa com os resultados,😍😍😍🌸💞 minha auto estima voltou

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