Cheek Aesthetics
Cheek Aesthetics (Bishectomy)
It is possible to have much more elegant and noble facial contours with bichectomy aesthetics. Bishectomy aesthetics is the removal of fat from the cheek.
By removing the fat tissue in the cheek area, a more collapsed appearance can be obtained on the cheek.
However, with the advancement of age, the adipose tissue on the face decreases spontaneously. For this, when not done with the correct indication, dullness and an aging image may occur.
Round and wide cheeks are thinned and the face is provided with sharper lines with the bichectomy operation. Thus, it is ensured that the person gets a difference in facial aesthetics.
Surgery can have positive effects on women and men. It helps to eliminate cheek swelling in men and make the person look weaker, fit and healthier.
In women, the cheeks slightly flatter or flatter has a much greater effect. When cheek oils are taken, it helps women to gain a more adult and sexy look.
The total duration of this surgery varies between 10-20 minutes. The reason for the short operation period is that the Bichat fat pad is easily accessible from the inside of the cheek.
It takes a total of 5-6 minutes to put 2-3 stitches on the inside of the cheek after removing the fat pad. There is no bleeding and bruising on the cheeks.
Bandages are applied to the cheeks so that the fat removed at the end of the operation does not replace edema. The bandage should be kept for 2 days.
In general, the close environment of female patients who have had this surgery may think that the patient is stretching the face, filling the cheekbones or weakening. It is only a 20-minute surgery.
It is possible to have much more elegant and noble facial contours with bichectomy aesthetics. Bishectomy aesthetics is the removal of fat from the cheek.
By removing the fat tissue in the cheek area, a more collapsed appearance can be obtained on the cheek.
However, with the advancement of age, the adipose tissue on the face decreases spontaneously. For this, when not done with the correct indication, dullness and an aging image may occur.
Round and wide cheeks are thinned and the face is provided with sharper lines with the bichectomy operation. Thus, it is ensured that the person gets a difference in facial aesthetics.
Surgery can have positive effects on women and men. It helps to eliminate cheek swelling in men and make the person look weaker, fit and healthier.
In women, the cheeks slightly flatter or flatter has a much greater effect. When cheek oils are taken, it helps women to gain a more adult and sexy look.
The total duration of this surgery varies between 10-20 minutes. The reason for the short operation period is that the Bichat fat pad is easily accessible from the inside of the cheek.
It takes a total of 5-6 minutes to put 2-3 stitches on the inside of the cheek after removing the fat pad. There is no bleeding and bruising on the cheeks.
Bandages are applied to the cheeks so that the fat removed at the end of the operation does not replace edema. The bandage should be kept for 2 days.
In general, the close environment of female patients who have had this surgery may think that the patient is stretching the face, filling the cheekbones or weakening. It is only a 20-minute surgery.
Our Patients' Comments
6 PACK j’avais du mal a faire du sport et de suivre des regimes alimentaires mais sans resultat alors cette annee je me suis dirigé vers REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE en turquie et vraiment je me sens pret pour l’été comme jamais. Merci de m’avoir redonner confiance en moi.
MEME KUCULTME La clinique est bien situé par rapport au metrobus station, les guichets bancaire sont juste a coté, le market est dont vous aurez besoin, j’étais labas pour faire une reduction mammaire, je ne me suis jamais senti bien dans ma peau jusqu’au jour ou j’ai décidé de me faire opéré chez REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE a Istanbul, Merci