Chemical Peeling

Chemical Peeling

After the summer months are over, permanent sunspots occur on the face. There are different treatment approaches to eliminate the conditions that cause a stain in spot treatment.
Generally, the first method used is chemical peeling application, which is one of the oldest known methods but whose structure is constantly renewed with developing technology.
In chemical peeling, when the combination of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and phytic acid is preferred, the working speed of the cells producing colour in the skin may decrease. Also, as the skin's regeneration capacity increases, its matt and lifeless appearance decrease as it is removed from the dead tissue.
The first problem encountered after the peeling applications is when you return to daily life. The rashes and rashes that resolve occur within three days and certainly do not prevent the social life of the person.

Our Patients' Comments


6 PACK j’avais du mal a faire du sport et de suivre des regimes alimentaires mais sans resultat alors cette annee je me suis dirigé vers REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE en turquie et vraiment je me sens pret pour l’été comme jamais. Merci de m’avoir redonner confiance en moi.


MEME KUCULTME La clinique est bien situé par rapport au metrobus station, les guichets bancaire sont juste a coté, le market est dont vous aurez besoin, j’étais labas pour faire une reduction mammaire, je ne me suis jamais senti bien dans ma peau jusqu’au jour ou j’ai décidé de me faire opéré chez REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE a Istanbul, Merci

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