Eyelid Aesthetic

Eyelid Aesthetic

Upper or lower eyelid surgery is performed not only for aesthetic purposes but also for health purposes. If there is an excess in the upper eyelid; the person feels fatigued in their eyes, the weight collapses and they have difficulty reading. With the excess of the upper eyelid, a low or frowning occurs in the eyebrows. This makes the person look serene, sad or tired

When it is said aesthetics around the eyes;

Aesthetic interventions can be applied to problems such as swelling in the upper eyelid, drooping, excess, wrinkling in the lower eyelid, bagging in the lower eyelid, and drooping, frown lines, crow's feet, forehead lines, oil glands on the eyelid, bruise on the lower eyelid, and low eyebrows.
These problems can be corrected with Botulinum Toxin or cosmetic products. Surgical procedures are mostly done under local anesthesia.
The same day, the person can return home. Since the eye is not covered with a dressing, there is no problem with vision. There is no trace of the eyelid after surgery. The most beautiful healing tissue is eyelid.
Upper eyelid operation; It is made by removing the excess skin in the upper lid of the eye, which is the fat mass that forms the bagging.
This operation eliminates drooping, bagging and tired expression on the eyelids. In addition, excess in the upper eyelid causes weightiness and fatigue in the eyes. Thus, while the person is reading something, he can get sleep while working on the computer.
It gives the person a younger and more vivid appearance. The doctor will share with you the variables that will affect the surgery decision, such as age, skin condition and other physical and medical factors after the examination.
Eyelid surgery is usually performed with local anesthesia and sedation if necessary. The patient can return home on the same day.
The dressing is taken on the fourth day after the operation and the patient can easily return to his work and social life. Also the upper eyelid; is the region where there is no permission in aesthetic surgery.

Our Patients' Comments


6 PACK j’avais du mal a faire du sport et de suivre des regimes alimentaires mais sans resultat alors cette annee je me suis dirigé vers REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE en turquie et vraiment je me sens pret pour l’été comme jamais. Merci de m’avoir redonner confiance en moi.


MEME KUCULTME La clinique est bien situé par rapport au metrobus station, les guichets bancaire sont juste a coté, le market est dont vous aurez besoin, j’étais labas pour faire une reduction mammaire, je ne me suis jamais senti bien dans ma peau jusqu’au jour ou j’ai décidé de me faire opéré chez REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE a Istanbul, Merci

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