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Genital Aesthetics What You Should Know

Genital Aesthetics What You Should Know


Genital Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, which we hear frequently in maternity aesthetics, preferred by women for genetic factor formation or an aesthetic appearance, is a surgical procedure that corrects congenital deformities that occur in the vulva-vagina region of women and at birth. In fact, it creates a problem in some marriages and affects the married life psychologically.

This situation even breaks the relationship between the couples. This situation not only triggers feelings such as misunderstanding, embarrassment, shyness, but also that women do not see their genitals as aesthetic.

Which methods are used in genital aesthetics?

It affects their sexual life negatively and triggers self-confidence. The most curious thing about this aesthetic surgery procedure is the possibility of correcting the vaginal deformities that cause problems after the genital aesthetic methods of the patients and getting the desired shape. You should know that this is quite possible.

The most applied operations in genital aesthetics İf labiaplasty (labia majora reduction), labia minora reduction, groin lift and vaginoplasty.

How is inner lip reduction performed in genital plastic surgery?

Especially in some women, it is seen that the inner lips of the vagina are larger than normal or loose. Labiaplasty surgery is the most commonly performed genital aesthetic surgery for people who have such a problem. The operation is performed under local anesthesia in as little as 30 minutes. First, the small lips are anesthetized and then the small lips are started to be reduced so that there is no relaxation between the inner lips. In the operation, stitches are made that will dissolve over time.

In some women, genital deformation is seen as sagging when wearing a swimsuit or bikini, a bulge in the front under the clothing. This situation closes the entrance. This situation also affects sexual intercourse, causing difficulty or pain during sexual intercourse.

In addition, these elongated or drooping lips can be reshaped with a simple surgical procedure, and the empty, loose lips can be made very full in appearance.

What is labiaplasty in genital aesthetics?

It is seen that large lips loosen due to aging, mostly in thin patients. In addition, fluctuations in body weight and aging can cause large lips to sag or lose volume. Thus, the clitoris structure cannot be closed with large and small lips, thus creating an unaesthetic appearance. For these reasons, excess weight causes large lips to sag or gain extra volume. We can say that Labiaplasty is preferred for the correction of such problems.

Who is genital aesthetics applied to?

Anyone who has reached the age of puberty can consider genital plastic surgery, which is one of the most preferred operations of plastic surgery. In other words, anyone who needs it can have this surgery, without the condition of being married or single.

Things to know after vaginoplasty surgery

There are important details to be considered in vaginoplasty surgery. You should know that with the application of the procedures, it is possible that the aesthetic problems of the patients will disappear. In addition, there is absolutely no harm to the hymen in the operations performed. At the same time, the sexual life of the person will be healthier by applying such procedures.

Some women may approach these surgical methods with hesitation. Already today, with the prominence of all surgical procedures performed in the sense of aesthetics, we see that very successful results have emerged.

There is absolutely no permanent scar left in the surgical operation. In the suturing process applied in all genital aesthetic operations, the threads are usually chosen as the lost threads, so he can see that he never sees any traces and markings of the surgery. As with every surgical procedure, you should know that the edema spots that occur after the surgery will disappear.

What should be considered after genital plastic surgery?

You can take a shower two days after the end of the operation.
After labiaplasty or vaginoplasty, the area should be hygienic with a special solution.
Most importantly, extra care must be taken when sitting and getting up.
Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 3 weeks (may be different in cases of hymen repair).

So who can perform non-surgical genital aesthetic applications?

Whether she has given birth or not, any woman who has problems such as dryness and recurrent bacterial growth, ph disorder in the genital area, vaginal looseness, pain or loss of sensation during sexual intercourse, color change or urinary incontinence can have this operation.




  1. Andreas
    17 November 2022 at 17:03

    I did surgury this clinic
    I’m really happy for my result
    I recommend for everyone thank you

  2. Shakila
    17 November 2022 at 17:03

    من در این بیمارستان عمل جراحی زیبایی انجام دادم و از پرسنل این بیمارستان تشکر میکنم راضی بودم

  3. Fariba razavi
    17 November 2022 at 17:04

    Dorud dustan agar vaghan etemad be nafsetun ro az dast dadin baade zayeman be khatere un nahiyatun hatman amal konin vaghati chare dare faghat Ykm dore neghahat dare ama miyarze👍😉

  4. mariam sadki
    17 November 2022 at 17:04

    انا بعد الولادة متككرة صرت انحرج من المنطقة الحساسة و قررت اروح للمستشفى للتجميل و بحب اشكر الطبيبة و كل الطاقم الطبي و للمترجمة التي ساعدتني

  5. Mira titori
    17 November 2022 at 17:05

    J ai fait la liposuccion pour 3 zones avec le j plasma et le séjour médicale c était magnifique et surtout le résultat je remercie les personnels et le chirurgien qui a été très professionnel

  6. Raissa
    17 November 2022 at 17:06

    Eu fiz a labioplastia 🌺😇😍 e estou ando os resultados, porque baixava a minha auto estima

  7. Céline Antoinette
    17 November 2022 at 17:06

    Je voudrais remercier toute l’équipe et surtout le chirurgien pour votre professionnalisme et votre sérieux !
    Bonne continuation

  8. Sihem
    17 November 2022 at 17:14

    L’hôpital est magnifique le personnel aussi! Le chirurgien est excellent je vous recommande vivement

  9. Rafaela Silva
    18 November 2022 at 14:29

    Fiz a vaginoplastia, uma situação que já me incomodava faz tempo, ameii😍😍😍🌺😇 muito obrigada Reference Aesthetic

  10. Aurelia coraliu
    18 November 2022 at 14:32

    Recomand la toți această clinica. Toți sunt foarte bravo

  11. Elsa
    18 November 2022 at 15:13

    İ had a great time here, İ have done rhinoplasty, the staff are so friendly, recommend it to everyone

  12. Cristina
    18 November 2022 at 15:18

    La clinica Safran din Istanbul mi-am făcut liposactie și BBL la doamna Beyhan am rămas foarte mulțumită e un doctor cu experienta am avut noroc să o cunosc săi dea domnul sănătate

  13. Anca
    18 November 2022 at 16:32

    You are the best . Thank you all !!!

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