Hand Aesthetics
One of the places that aging will see first is hands. Sometimes it even gets more attention than the symptoms on the face. Because the skin in the top layers of the hand is much thinner than the facial skin. There is very little used oil in the layer on hand. Collagen and elastic fiber destruction, which is the result of aging, has a remarkable aging effect on the hand.
The result is wrinkled, wrinkled, prominent skin of the vessels. Brown spots make old feel more.
In hand surgeries, degenerative diseases, especially hand injuries, and congenital disorders are treated.
The main purpose of hand surgeries is to correct the functions of the hand as well as to give importance to the aesthetic appearance as much as possible. The hand functions, albeit a small organ. The hand has solutions for every problem.
As time passes and with the effect of the sun, the thick blue veins on the hand become apparent, the hands begin to appear weak and molten, and brown spots appear on them. Today, it is possible to prevent aging of your hand with design technology
The result is wrinkled, wrinkled, prominent skin of the vessels. Brown spots make old feel more.
In hand surgeries, degenerative diseases, especially hand injuries, and congenital disorders are treated.
The main purpose of hand surgeries is to correct the functions of the hand as well as to give importance to the aesthetic appearance as much as possible. The hand functions, albeit a small organ. The hand has solutions for every problem.
As time passes and with the effect of the sun, the thick blue veins on the hand become apparent, the hands begin to appear weak and molten, and brown spots appear on them. Today, it is possible to prevent aging of your hand with design technology
Our Patients' Comments
6 PACK j’avais du mal a faire du sport et de suivre des regimes alimentaires mais sans resultat alors cette annee je me suis dirigé vers REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE en turquie et vraiment je me sens pret pour l’été comme jamais. Merci de m’avoir redonner confiance en moi.
MEME KUCULTME La clinique est bien situé par rapport au metrobus station, les guichets bancaire sont juste a coté, le market est dont vous aurez besoin, j’étais labas pour faire une reduction mammaire, je ne me suis jamais senti bien dans ma peau jusqu’au jour ou j’ai décidé de me faire opéré chez REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE a Istanbul, Merci