Leg Aesthetics


Leg Aesthetics

The most common problems on the legs are;
Lubrication of the upper leg of the leg,
The area of the hip (outer part of the leg) is oily,
Fat excesses inside the knee,
Curvatures in the lower leg,
Varicose veins problem, the skin collapses,
The asymmetry between both legs can be counted between them…
The most ideal method for regional excess in the basin area, inside the leg and the knee, that is, fat removal - liposuction surgeries. There is an operation method that thickens the inner part of the leg like silicones in the chest area which we call calf silicones for leg curvature. Skin collapses, asymmetrical images can be resolved by oil injection or filling injection.
AWT application or fat injection and filling injection can be applied to the leg area as a treatment for people with liposuction and developed depression.
There are three types of techniques in the treatment of deformity, known as a crooked leg, that is, in the lower leg area. Silicone prosthesis, filling injection with aquafilling, oil injection is among these techniques. Filler injection with Aquafilling is a non-surgical technique. The person goes to his home after this operation, there is no need for anesthesia.
Liposuction is a reasonable technique for fats that do not melt despite spore and regime. Problems such as tissue excess and sagging in the legs may be due to reasons such as rapid weight gain and loss. In this case, leg stretching surgery is preferred.
The technique that is an alternative to liposuction is the 'laser lipolysis' technique. Sometimes, it may be necessary to perform liposuction besides the person to whom leg stretching aesthetics will be performed. The duration of the surgery lasts from 2 to 3 hours. It is sufficient for the patient to stay in the hospital for 1 night after the operation.

Saç Ekimi Nerede Yapılmalıdır?

Saç ektirme operasyonları, teknolojinin ilerlemesiyle hem kadınlara hem de erkeklere uygulanabilir hale gelmiştir. Saç ektirme ameliyatına karar vermeden önce dikkat edilmesi gereken konulardan biri seçilen saç ektirme merkezinin kalitesi ve güvenirliğidir.

Saç ektirme ameliyatında pek çok etken alınan kararı etkiler. Saç ekim ameliyatı kişilerin yaptırmak istediği ve tereddüt ettikleri bir operasyondur. Alınan kararın doğru olmasını sağlayan en büyük etken saç ektirme merkezinin doğru seçilmesidir.

Our Patients' Comments


6 PACK j’avais du mal a faire du sport et de suivre des regimes alimentaires mais sans resultat alors cette annee je me suis dirigé vers REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE en turquie et vraiment je me sens pret pour l’été comme jamais. Merci de m’avoir redonner confiance en moi.


MEME KUCULTME La clinique est bien situé par rapport au metrobus station, les guichets bancaire sont juste a coté, le market est dont vous aurez besoin, j’étais labas pour faire une reduction mammaire, je ne me suis jamais senti bien dans ma peau jusqu’au jour ou j’ai décidé de me faire opéré chez REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE a Istanbul, Merci

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