Under Eye Light Filling

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Under Eye Light Filling

Under-eye light filling injection increases the need for hydration in the lower layers of the skin tissues. It also enhances its elasticity, firmness, and smoothness by enhancing skin colour.
Detention problems can also make him look tired and older than fatigue at a young age. With the under-eye light filling, the tone difference between the detention and cheeks can be eliminated.
The pits formed in detention can be aligned with the cheeks. So an upgrade can be provided for detention.

How does light filling work?

With the filling of light, the pits in custody are raised and the light is reflected better. Apart from that, it provides moisturizing, tissue renewal and flexibility thanks to its content.
This special mixture is injected evenly with the help of an injection under the eye without causing pain or pain during application. The skin is elevated after the injection and the purple appearance disappears.
The detention area rejuvenates in a two-step process with the detention light filling process. First, under the action of hyaluronic acid, the subcutaneous layer is strengthened and the pits are filled.
In this way, dark circles and detention bags are eliminated. In the second stage, long-term cellular renewal is provided with poly vitamin and amino acid contents.

Things to consider after light filling

Small redness may occur at the injection points after application. This rash disappears by itself in about 3-4 hours. Injected areas should not be rubbed during this period.
After the application, no cream or cosmetic product should be applied to the face. After 4 hours, your skin usually returns to normal. You can even make up if you want.

Our Patients' Comments


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MEME KUCULTME La clinique est bien situé par rapport au metrobus station, les guichets bancaire sont juste a coté, le market est dont vous aurez besoin, j’étais labas pour faire une reduction mammaire, je ne me suis jamais senti bien dans ma peau jusqu’au jour ou j’ai décidé de me faire opéré chez REFERENCE ESTHETIQUE a Istanbul, Merci

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